søndag den 3. oktober 2010

Flipped events

Event #1 Egg incidence 
I had never thought that Bryce could do that, I thought that after that first day we met when he took my hand, I thought that he liked me. I thought that he felt the same way for me that I did for him, but apparently I was wrong. There had been nothing wrong with those eggs! Why couldn't he just have given them to me, week after week, year after year I had given him my eggs for free when I could have sold them. It was like he wanted them because he always stood by the door ready to open it for me and accept the eggs. But no he had never accepted the eggs, they had flown in the bin and this was his excuse “does the word salmonella mean anything to you ?” and “my mom doesn't think it is worth the risk”. He also said that he didn't want to hurt my feelings, I was like what ? You already did! I was so angry at Bryce Loski after that, I couldn't even talk to him. Everytime I saw him I got filled with anger again and felt like letting it out on him but when I looked at those perfect blue eyes then I couldn't remember why I was mad at him. Then when I came back to real life I became mad at him again and me for liking him after what he had done. I letted my anger out by doing sports because they made me concentrate about that and only that, but sitting in the sycamore tree would have been much better.

Event #2 yard/poor
First now after Bryce told me I realized that our yard is a mess and that was the first time I realized that I was poor. I felt embarrassed because when I looked around our neighborhood every house every yard was much nicer and more detailed than ours first now I see myself, a poor girl who likes to climb in trees know wonder Bryce doesn't like me. So instead of feeling embarrassed I decided to do something about it, when I figured out that it is not even our house. Now I felt even more embarrassed and poor, did the Loskies know about that? I hope not. So I got to work with the yard, then Bryce's grandfather came over and all the reasons to hate bryce came back with him. I thought that he was here to talk about the eggs, but he was here to help! He said that I reminded him of his wife and then I became all angry at myself for hating him. We got the yard pretty in no time and sometimes I saw Bryce in the window and I wonder if eh had changed his feelings about me.

Event #3 poor/uncle David
It is so sad that uncle David is in the hospital, I want to help him but I don't know how. I finally figured out why we are poor, it is because all our money goes to family and when I say family I mean my uncle David. He is sick and lives on something called Greenhaven which is a kind of hospital. Well after all these years I hadn't even thought that we were poor and that my uncle was the reason why we were poor. I feel sorry for my dad because he thinks that he is ruining my life because all the money goes to his brother and nothing to me, but actually i'm okay with it and I understand, it is my fathers brother and he loves him very much. I don't want to be poor but the money goes to something good and the money makes my uncle stay alive, then that is fine with me. Being poor has never been an issue until now when I realized that I am poor, until now I haven't really compared my house to other houses, I had never really thought about it. My dad said that uncle david is a burden because he needs so much and because you have too take care of him like a child.

Event #4 Bryce likes me 
Bryce likes me but I don't think that I like him back. I am just beginning to come over being mad at him because of the eggs and the things he said about my uncle. I thought that he liked me that first day when he took my hand, so I have been waiting for something to happen but it never did. I thought that he felt the same way for me as I did for me. I tried to show him what I felt for him but he never listened. Then I became mad at him for many reasons and first then he started realizing what he felt for me, but that was too late, I didn't speak to him for weeks or maybe even months. Then when I forgive him he starts showing his love for me but I wasn't ready, I had just come over being mad at him and that I loved him. I felt confused like I was walking down a road with no ending, everything went so fast. Suddently he tries to kiss me, the kiss I had been waithing for for so long in the past but not anymore. I just wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to do anything, I had taken back my love. 

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